# install this as ~root/.screenrc-console # then add the following crontab entry for root: # # @reboot screen -d -m -c /root/.screenrc-console # # (yep @reboot gets run at reboot only, see crontab(5)). it's possible to do # this as a non-root user if you get all the ttyUSB0 udev setup right and the # perms on /var/log/console-logs or whatever bind 'K' kill bind 'k' bind ^k nethack on defmode 620 logfile /var/log/console-logs/log.%n.%Y%m%d_%0c logfile flush 2 logtstamp on logtstamp after 5 logtstamp string "^jTIMESTAMP: %Y%m%d %0c:%s %n:%t^j" screen -t other-console -ln -h 10000 -L 9 /dev/ttyUSB0 115200