/* Generated by configure. Don't edit!!!! */ /* Making changes to this file is not as simple as it may look. */ /* If you change the CONFIG_ settings in local.h you */ /* _have_ to edit .defines too. */ #undef CONFIG_PAS #define CONFIG_SB #undef CONFIG_ADLIB #undef CONFIG_GUS #undef CONFIG_MPU401 #undef CONFIG_UART6850 #undef CONFIG_PSS #undef CONFIG_GUS16 #undef CONFIG_GUSMAX #undef CONFIG_MSS #undef CONFIG_SSCAPE #undef CONFIG_TRIX #undef CONFIG_MAD16 #undef CONFIG_CS4232 #undef CONFIG_MAUI #undef CONFIG_SPNP #undef CONFIG_UNUSED1 #undef CONFIG_UNUSED2 #undef CONFIG_AEDSP16 #define CONFIG_AUDIO #undef CONFIG_MIDI #undef CONFIG_YM3812 #undef CONFIG_MPU_EMU #undef CONFIG_AD1848 #define CONFIG_SEQUENCER #define SBC_BASE 0x220 #define SBC_IRQ 5 #define SBC_DMA 1 #define SB_DMA2 5 #define SB_MPU_BASE 0x388 #define DSP_BUFFSIZE 65536 #define SELECTED_SOUND_OPTIONS 0x00080002